In order to reduce exhaust emissions of vehicles in cities gaseous fuel is used. 用气体燃料代替汽油,是目前解决城市空气污染的一个可行方法。
Gaseous fuel water content 气体燃烧的水分含量
A universal electronic control unit ( ECU) suitable for gaseous fuel engines with different types and configurations is presented. 介绍了适用于不同型号、不同配置气体燃料发动机的通用电子控制单元(ECU)。
Analysis Calculation to Combustible Property of Gaseous Fuel and Development Application of Its Software 气体燃料燃烧特性分析计算与软件开发及应用
Technology and Application of Gaseous Fuel and Gas Engine 气体燃料及燃气机的技术研究与应用
The application of cleaner gaseous fuel in buses and taxis will be promoted. By2007,90% of the buses and70% of taxis will use clean fuel. 在公交车和出租车中大力推广使用清洁气体燃料,到2007年底,90%的公交车和70%的出租车将使用清洁气体燃料;
Measuring Gaseous Fuel Engine Gas Loss Rate and Heat Loss Rate by Using the Volume Method 体积法测量气体燃料发动机气耗率和热耗率
This paper describes the control scheme, hardware and software structure of an electronic control device for gaseous fuel diesel dual-fuel automobiles. It also gives the experimental results of engine and road. 文章论述了电子控制气体燃料&柴油双燃料汽车控制装置的控制方案、硬件和软件结构,并给出了发动机台架试验结果和汽车道路试验结果。
The main reason of lower-power of gaseous fuel engine is the lower calorific value per unit volume. 气体燃料发动机具有较好的排放性能和经济性能,气体燃料发动机动力下降的主要原因是单位体积的混合气热值较低。
An Investigation of Gaseous Fuel Control Valve for Large Flux 大流量气体燃料调节阀的试验研究
A CFD Study on the Effect of Exhaust Port to the Oxidation of HC in Gaseous Fuel Engine 气体燃料发动机排气道中HC氧化的CFD研究
The calculation of the thermodynamic properties for the products of combustion of the mixed gaseous fuel with incombustible gases 混合气体燃料(含不可燃成分)燃气热力性质的计算及讨论
This article introduces the general concepts of gaseous fuel engine gas loss rate and heat loss rate, and puts forward some problems to be paid attention to in volume measurement. 介绍气体发动机气耗率和热耗率的基本概念,提出了体积法测量中应注意的问题。
When a flexible fuel automobile is fueled with gaseous fuel or gasoline, the optimum ignition advance angles are largely different. 气体燃料/汽油两用燃料汽车燃用不同燃料时,最佳点火提前角相差悬殊。
Mixing Characteristics of Gaseous Fuel in Vapor Flame Holder and Discharge Coefficient of Evaporating Pipe 蒸发式稳定器气态燃料掺混特性和蒸发管的流量系数
Influences of Physical and Chemical Properties of Gaseous Fuel on Engine Performance 不同气体燃料理化特性对发动机性能的影响
Combustion Performance of liquid fuel used in DF chemical laser combustor, energy/ mass ratio and comprehensiVe comparison of liquid fuel with gaseous fuel C_2H_4 are described. 本文叙述了液态燃料作为氟化氘化学激光燃烧室的燃料时的燃烧性能、提供的质量比能量及与气态燃料乙烯的综合比较。
Injection and Mixing of Gaseous Fuel in Two-stroke Gas Engine 二冲程煤气机的燃料喷射与混合
Gaseous fuel and gas engine Fuel cells 气体燃料和气体燃料发动机的应用
According to the physical and chemical properties of hydrogen, compressed natural gas ( CNG), liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG), gasoline and diesel oil, as well as experimental results, the performance of gaseous fuel ( CNG, LPG) engines was studied. 根据对氢、天然气、液化石油气、汽油和柴油理化特性的分析,以及试验结果,对气体燃料(CNG,LPG)发动机的性能进行了研究。
Effect of Gaseous Fuel Properties on Power Performance of Motor Vehicles 天然气等气体燃料特性对汽车动力性能的影响
Effects of Gaseous Fuel Reburning on NOx Reduction 气体燃料再燃对NOx还原的影响
The new proposal of ISO/ TC193-quality designation for natural gas used as a compressed gaseous fuel for vehicles is introduced in this paper, it mainly conjoins the requirements of sas composition and gas property for compressed natural gas. 介绍了ISO/TC193提出的一项新工作提案&用作汽车燃料的压缩天然气质量指标。主要包括对压缩天然气的组成要求和性能要求。
Gaseous fuel reburning pertains to one of the most effective methods being extensively studied for the reduction of NOx content in flue gases. 气体燃料再燃是研究较多的降低烟气中NOx含量最有效的方法之一。
Research on Key Design Problems of Gaseous Fuel Systems of Gas Turbines 燃气轮机气体燃料系统设计的关键技术研究
In this paper, we studied The effect of exhaust port to the oxidation of hydrocarbon ( HC) and its influence to the formation of formaldehyde in gaseous fuel engine using CFD software FLUENT coupled with detailed chemical kinetic mechanism. 利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件耦合详细化学反应机理对气体燃料发动机排气过程中未燃HC在排气道的氧化及对甲醛(CH2O)生成的影响进行了研究。
A Study on Electronically Controlled Gaseous Fuel Injection in Spark Ignition Engines 点燃式内燃机气体燃料电控喷射技术的研究
The experimental results show that the control of fuel supply system and the step motor response can fully meet the design requirements for gaseous fuel engines. The design reaches the expected effects. 实验结果表明:对发动机各运行工况下的控制参数进行细分后,燃料供给系统的控制和步进电机响应的及时性都能满足气体燃料发动机电控系统的设计要求,达到了期望的效果。
Adding diluents in the gaseous fuel combustion is one of the effective ways to reduce emissions of NOx. 在气体燃料燃烧过程中添加稀释剂是抑制NO、污染物生成的有效方法之一。
The fuel gas enterprise flourishes with the progress of city modernization and development of the gaseous fuel resources. 随着城市现代化建设的进展和气体燃料资源的不断开发,燃气事业日益发展。